Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The behavior of a nonverbal student with autism Essay

The behavior of a nonverbal student with autism - Essay Example According to 2013 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), the Lamar Elementary School met 14 of 17 AYP criteria. In 2013, the school also earned API of 940, and the 2012-13 API Growth was -9. Sam is enrolled in an instructed classroom in which routine and visual structure are provided. A new program called SUCCESS is applied in the classroom, and the classroom is divided into four areas: 1:1, I.W.S., Group Area, and Small Group. In 1:1 area, an Intensive Behavior Interventionists (IBI) works with the students on their individual behavior goals. The students at the Independent Work Station (I.W.S.) are assigned tasks that they already know how to do. Moreover, the goal is for the student to come to the station, sit down, go through the tasks, and do so all independently and without needing reminders to stay on task. At Group Area, the teacher does whole group activity at the table where the purpose is mostly acquiring social skills, such as learning to sit in a group, waiting for their turn, and staying attended to the task. The teacher works with his students to cover Early Literacy Skills Building, Math curriculum, Handwriting without Tears, and the students’ IEP academic goals. Eight students are grouped for instructions based on behaviors and how the adults can best manage the students as well as their station. The overall classroom management has been more so based on behaviors of the individual students. In addition to their behavior support plans, the teacher uses token boards to reinforce desired/correct behaviors.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Questions For A Second Reading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Questions For A Second Reading - Assignment Example Richard Miller organizes the whole chapter in further sub heading in an easy manner so as to give something useful in his all passage from major points to lower one. Its very first passage tells about the failure of modern world. According to him the problem actually lies in the advancement of technology and all the imagination unrestricted by realities that has called forth, which has dimmed the line between reality world and fantasy, between fact and fiction. Therefore he has given stress on the use of old fashioned and modest way of entertainment like reading novels, books and other story books that create a strong human interaction in man and always keep the man in reality. He first gives the example of modern world with Columbine Massacre and its failure. Miller has described all the problems of modern world in an organized manner and selected the major problems lies in the modern world in a very easy way. He at start tells about two master minded boys, Harris and Dylan Klebold, were outsiders in whom one was follower and one is leader indulged in evil activities, killed many adults and finally were in funerals, himself in his writing did not accept the idea of blaming others on his actions. Miller has started from the problems of Harris then goes to further more critical problems in a very systematic and organized manner. He forces us to think how do the threats of unforeseen and unpredictable can be eliminated either with the help of educational system or legal system. According to him problem should be stopped at its roots. It should not be increased. It is a challenge for legal and education institution to control the problem from its ground. Miller has used lexis phonic and dense style in his writing. His writing style is very cognitive and knowledgeable. He shows that such a long sentence with a lot of antonyms and large words do not always correlate and give such