Friday, December 20, 2019

The Success Of College Education - 1644 Words

Educational System in Progress Elementary, middle, and high school years are meant to prepare students for their college life and their life in the real world. However, students may not be receiving the proper encouragement and preparation for what to expect in their future. The failure in college education is a result of the technology advancement in schools, a far too complicated graduating system, and a way of teaching with too low of standards. When students are not receiving the proper preparation for college in their earlier years, they are not guaranteed to be as successful as they should be. Although the world is rapidly advancing with technology, in some ways that might not always be a good thing. One reason that is true is†¦show more content†¦Classroom work is more commonly done on online sites rather than as a worksheet in front of them. A lot of classroom work is done online rather than with a textbook and paper. In the past, students carried around thick textbooks and notebooks. Now in this time period, tablets or laptops are all the student needs throughout the school day or class-time. Instead of giving a student a book and a worksheet to work on where they have to read and think about the work they are doing, students have the capability of googling each question given and use the first answer they can find because of easy access. Because of classwork being done online rather than in books in today’s classrooms, many professors or teachers â€Å"find it difficult to imagine teaching without the internet†(Maloney). Many professors use the internet as a way to connect with their students through email or by mass sending the assignment to the entire class. Smart Boards have replaced many overhead projectors in many classrooms in a range of different schools. Technology is creating a form of laz iness in students and teachers due to not wanting to work with all the potential they have. The internet is becoming too easily accessible and students as well as teachers are relying on the internet a little too much. Another factor in students not being fully prepared for college is theShow MoreRelatedCollege Education Doesn ´t Guarantee Success Essay921 Words   |  4 Pages How can some people struggle when they have a degree from a quality institution, while others can be successful without a college degree or in a field unrelated to their degree? In my opinion, it’s because a college education doesn’t guarantee success. Success is up to many other factors that college often does not teach. 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